praying pals 

          instant prayer group where you'll always have a prayer!

 wait a second!

Don't close this window. Yes, this site appears strangely... simple.
We wanted it that way. Why? People often dismiss prayer as too simple, too. They try something else only to unearth more problems.

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why join?


Find it hard to remember to pray? Hey, life is busy. But no prayer substitute exists. We use the Internet to pray and love Jesus instead of letting the Internet prey on and use us.  


Praying Pals helps out in a big way: It reminds you to pray each Friday. Unbound by geographic and denominational boundaries, our Christian prayer group prays each week without hesitation. With a pre-prayer devotional and a prayer list to pray over, it's efficient and effective.


God works mightily and receives all glory. Pray, praise, and pass it on. Spread the word as we spread the Word!




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